March 11, 2025
We demand:
Johanna Findeisen has been in custody for one year and eight months in the so-called “Reichsbürger trial” and is being massively harassed in Frankfurt Prison (JVA). Detailed information on her case can be found at, which has been reporting on the trial from the beginning.
Bordering on torture?!When Johanna Findeisen returned to Frankfurt III Prison on February 11, 2025 after her trial in the Frankfurt Prince Reuss Trial, she was led into a waiting room. There she was ordered to strip naked and the door to outside wide open to cold outdoor temperatures.
She had attended the entire hearing, which began at 9:30 a.m. and ended at around 4:30 p.m., despite having a fever and had also informed the prison officers that she had a fever. The three prison officers she had to deal with after her return to the prison were indifferent towards her.
She was asked to cough and bend over in a naked state - a procedure that is common when first admitted to a prison to prevent objects from being smuggled in. However, such a practice can no longer be justified when returning from a trial during which she was continuously guarded by police officers.
This practice was also discontinued by the prison some time ago after the NIUS magazine drew media attention to the treatment of the defendants in the Prince Reuss trial.
Apparently, this practice was resumed by three prison officers - on a day when, despite repeated requests, she was not even allowed to shower before the start of the trial, which was particularly unpleasant for her due to her feverish perspiration.
Treating a sick person like this - regardless of whether they are guilty or innocent - borders on torture - if it hasn't already crossed the line into torture.This is just the latest example in a long series of ongoing harassment to which Johanna Findeisen has been subjected for 20 months in pre-trial detention.
Other prisoners in German prisons also experience undignified and humiliating treatment. The case of Johanna Findeisen reminds us to keep a watchful eye on how the state treats the people it holds in its custody - be it criminal detention, pre-trial detention, detention pending deportation, preventive detention, enforced detention or any other form of deprivation of liberty. Anyone in custody is not a second-class citizen, nor has he or she forfeited all basic rights. In particular, the state has a duty of care for the health of prisoners.
The rule of law must also apply in prison and not the rule of power. Prison officers who give a prisoner the feeling of being completely dependent on their whim and thus at their mercy are already practising unlawful (mental) torture.
We demand an immediate stop to this practice, which violates human dignity, and the cessation of further harassment and human rights violations against Johanna Findeisen, as well as general compliance with the rule of law in detention.
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